Editionen in
HGV 11366

P. Grenf. 2

Zur Datierung vgl. F. De Romanis, Epigraphica 63 (2001), S. 29, Anm. 46.
Nd.: G. Tedeschi, Papyrologica Lupiensia 11 (2002), S. 164-165, Nr. 14.
Nd. M. Vandoni, Feste Nr. 22.
Vgl. N. Hohlwein, Le Musée Belge 31 (1927), 18.
Neudr. Wilcken Chrestom. I 497.
Viell. πρωταύλη, P. Oxy. 34. 2721, zu Z. 5.
πρωταύλῃ? (B.L. 6, S. 46) → προνοη(τῇ) αὐλ(ητρίδων) (nach einem Photo; so schon Wilcken, Chrest. 497 und Vandoni, Feste Nr. 22), P. Heid. 4, S. 210, Anm. 5.
Das Datum entspricht dem 6.8.237 n.Chr., D. Hagedorn, K.A. Worp, Z.P.E. 104 (1994), S. 251 mit Anm. 40.
ἡμερῶν | πυ̣ρ̣οῦ ἀρτάβας κτλ. Wilcken Chrestom. I 497, hat . [.]. ου statt des ursprünglichen [πυρο]ῦ; Bell liest πυ̣ρ̣οῦ und schreibt mir dazu: ,,at the beginning two letters are visible. The first seems a certain π, the second most naturally suggests υ. At the end ου seems fairly certain; the traces between πυ̣ and ου are not like ρ, but ρ is perhaps not impossible. It is difficult to see what else than πυροῦ can be meant. Possibly, when Grenfell-Hunt and Wilcken read the papyrus, the beginning of this line was covered by an overlying fragment. But certainly now the π is complete and the bottom of υ is preserved in addition".
Σαρματικ[οῦ] | [Μεγίστου το]ῦ ἱ̣ε̣ρ̣ω̣τατοῦ (Καί)σαρος | Σ̣ε̣β̣σ̣[το]ῦ υίο̣ῦ̣ τ̣[οῦ Σε]βαστοῦ, ᾽Επὶφ [..]. Bell brief., laut Orig. Kenyon, Class. Rev. 11 (1897) S. 407.