P. L.Bat. 33 ⇧
Fragments c and d might fit to the right of fragment a+b, P. van Minnen, BASP 46 (2009), p. 202.
S. 108, Anm. zu Z. 5-6: I.Pan. 39 → I.Ko. 39, Th. Kruse, Archiv 56 (2010), S. 179.
πράγματ̣ο̣ς̣ μη̣δέ τε φερνῶν, ὁμοίως: viell. mit anderer Interpunktion πράγματ̣ο̣ς̣, τ̣ὴ̣ν̣ δὲ Τεφερῶν ὁμοίως, Th. Kruse, Archiv 56 (2010), S. 179.
ἐν Τεπτύνι διατι̣μ̣[ή]θ̣έντος ̣\(δραχμὰς)/ ἑξήκοντα → ἐν Θεογενίδι απ̣[ ] δ̣ρ̣α̣χμω̣ν̣ ἑξήκοντα , T. Kruse, Archiv 56 (2010), S. 179.
ἀπέ̣χειν. ἔγραψ̣(εν) ὑ̣πὲρ αὐτῆς Ὀρσενο(ῦφις) → ἀπε[σ]χηκέναι ὑ̣πὲρ αὐτῆς Ὀρσενο(ῦφιν), Th. Kruse, Arciv 56 (2010), S. 179.
[μητ]ρ̣ὸ̣ς Τασῆτος θ̣[υ]γ̣ατ̣[ρ]ὸ̣ς̣ Δ̣ί̣ου Ἀμοῦνις → [μητ]ρ̣ὸ̣ς Τασῆτος ἐ[πικ]α̣λ̣[ου]μ̣[έ]νου Ἀμοῦνις, Th. Kruse, Archiv 56 (2010), S. 180.
Ξένος → probably ξένος ‘a stranger’, P. van Minnen, BASP 46 (2009), p. 203. See also A. Papathomas, ZPE 168 (2009), p. 259-264.
πα̣[ ̣ ̣]ε̣ → probably πά̣λ̣ε (r. πάλαι), A. Papathomas, ZPE 168 (2009), p. 259. See also note in edition.
ταχύ → probably in the sense of ‘immediately, easily’, see A. Papathomas, ZPE 168 (2009), p. 259.
For an interpretation of the beginning of line 4, see A. Papathomas, ZPE 168 (2009), pp. 263-264.
̣ ̣ως γὰρ τὸ μῖσος ὃ ἔχεται πρός με. π̣ολλάκις ἐπίστιλα (r. ἐπέστειλα) ὑμῖν, | καὶ ἀντιγράφου μὴ τυχὼν ἐγὼ δ̣ὲ ἁπλοσύνῃ φερ̣ό̣μ̣ε̣νος προσ|τρέχω ὑμῖν πάλ̣ιν → ε̣ἰ̣δὼς γὰρ τὸ μῖσος ὅ ἔχεται (r. -ε) πρός με – πολλάκις ἐπιστίλας (r. -είλας) ὑμῖν | καὶ ἀντιγράφου μὴ τυχὼν – ἐγὼ δ̣ὲ ἁπλοσύνῃ φερ̣ό̣μ̣ε̣νος προσ|τρέχω ὑμῖν πάλ̣ιν, see A. Papathomas, ZPE 168 (2009), p. 261-262.
μῖσος: not in the sense of ‘hate’, but ‘negative attitude’, ‘aversion’, see A. Papathomas, ZPE 168 (2009), p. 261.
Translation: ‘Denn obwohl ich mir der Abneugung bewußt bin, die Ihr mir gegenüber habt – da ich oftmals an Euch geschrieben habe und mir keine Antwort zuteil geworden ist –, lasse ich mich von Bescheidenheit leiten und wende ich mich wieder an Euch. Denn ich kann Euch nicht vergessen...’, A. Papathomas, ZPE 168 (2009), p. 262.
ἁπλοσύνη means ‘simplicity’ in the sense of ‘modesty’, see A. Papathomas, ZPE 168 (2009), p. 261.
φερ̣ό̣μ̣ε̣νος should not be read pleonastically, but rather as a common term used to describe behaviour, see A. Papathomas, ZPE 168 (2009), p. 261.
ἐ ̣είνετ̣ο → ἐγ{ε}ίνετο, see A. Papathomas, ZPE 168 (2009), p. 262, also for a translation of this phrase. See also note in edition.
[ ̣] ̣ π̣ει̣ρ̣ξατ̣ε̣μεξεν ̣ [ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]των: perhaps ἐ̣π̣εδ̣<ε>ίξατέ με ξένο̣[ν πάν]των, see A. Papathomas, ZPE 168 (2009), p. 262, also for the translation of lines 15-16: ‘... und indem ich in diesem Zeitraum von drei Jahren keinen Brief von Euch erhalten habe, habt Ihr bekundet, daß ich in jeder Hinsicht (bzw. für Euch alle) ein Fremder bin’.
τῆ<ς> Θελου̣ρῶ → τῇ θελου̣ρῷ (r. θυρουρῷ), P. van Minnen, BASP 46 (2009), p. 203. See also A. Papathomas, ZPE 168 (2009), pp. 262-263: τῆ<ς> Θελου̣ρῶ → τῇ θελου̣ρῷ (r. θυρουρῷ or θυρωρῷ).
Translate: ‘they (the officials who appointed the plaintiff to a burdensome post) regarded (my) insufficient personal belongings as a bonanza’, P. van Minnen, BASP 46 (2009), p. 204.
παντὶ τῷ προφα̣ρ̣ο ̣ ̣ ̣τοῦτον γ̣ραμμ̣ά̣τιον → παντὶ τῷ προφέρο̣ν̣τ̣ι̣ τοῦτο τὸ γραμμάτιον, Th. Kruse, Archiv 56 (2010), S. 181.
Datierung: 23 January 71 A.D. → 22 January 71 A.D., Th. Kruse, Archiv 56 (2010), S. 183.
The date in the text is probably not the date of the visit, see P. van Minnen, BASP 46 (2009), p. 206.
This ostracon could belong to the context of other ostraca and therefore come from Oxyrhynchus, see C. Carusi, ZPE 168 (2009), pp. 219-220.
γυμνιητον: viell. Γυμνι(κ-) κ.τ.λ. oder eine Variante des Namens Γυμνικός, Th. Kruse, Archiv 56 (2010), S. 186.
]ις Ἀτιεμιεω(ς) → [Οὔλπιος Κερ]εᾶλις μισθ(ωτής), Th. Kruse, Archiv 56 (2010), S. 186.
γεγυμνα]σια[ρ]γηκ̣ό̣[τ → γεγυμνα]σια[ρ]χηκ̣ο̣[, Th. Kruse, Archiv 56 (2010), S. 178.
ὑπογράψαι ὑπὸ το̣ῦ π.[: viell. ὑπογράψαι ὑπὸ το ὑπό̣[μνημα, Th. Kruse, Archiv 56 (2010), S. 178.
P. Worp ⇧
ιϛ (l. κ) → κ, P. Heilporn (from photo) with F. Hoogendijk concurring by email; cf. P. van Minnen, BASP 46 (2009) 205