Editionen in
HGV 38219

P. Grenf. 1

Zur Datierung vgl. die Ber. zu P. Grenf. 1. 63 wo viell. von demselben Senouthes die Rede ist (vgl. P. Grenf. 1. 66, Anm. zu Z. 2.).
[Τῷ δεσπό(τῃ)] ἐμο(ῦ) τῷ πά (ν τ ω ν) θεοφιλ(εστάτῳ) όσιωτ(άτῳ) π (α τ ρ ὶ) Βίκ(τορι) κτλ. Hunt, P. Grenf. II S. 217.
streiche den Punkt hinter θεοφιλία . Hunt, P. Grenf. II S. 217.
Abba Senuthes is possibly identical with the bishop attested in P. Grenf. 1 63, l. 6-7, P. Grenf. 2 93, l. 6, P. Gen. 4 168, l. 2-3 and 25-26 and in two papyri published in the following article or is simply a monk or cleric, A. Benaissa, Z.P.E. 166 (2008), 184.
Ταυρινίω ἐπισκο( ) → Ταυρίνῳ ἐπισκό(πῳ) (am Original), R. Coles bei C. Gallazzi, Analecta Pap. 2 (1990), S. 126, Anm. 2.
V° 1
The bishop abba Taurinus is probably identical with the one in P. Bodl. 1 62, l. 1, P. Ryl. Copt. 288 V°, S.B. 20 14218, l. 4 and O. CrumVC 38, l. 17, A. Benaissa, ZPE 166 (2008) 183.