P. Soc. 3 ⇧
Vgl. G. Cavallo, Mostra ’98 S. 184 mit Tav. 97.
...ρ̄|. → παρα(γγεῖλαι), G. Bastianini - C. Gallazzi, Quaderni ticinesi 16 (1987), S. 169, Anm. zu Z. 1-2.
[το]ῦ̣ γάμο[υ συμ]βάντος → [ἀ]νὰ μέ[σον συ]μ̣βάντος, G. Bastianini, C. Gallazzi, Quaderni ticinesi 16 (1987), S. 174, Anm. zu Z. 13.
π[αιδι(?)] → γ̣ε̣[ωργιῶι] (two letters – most likely γ and ε - rather than π). So Sennesis is not the daughter-in-law of Ammonios, a relation which does not match with the delicate content.