P. Colt Ness. 3 ⇧
Aufbewahrungsort: Pierpont Morgan Library, New York.
Photo: E. Crisci, Scrivere greco fuori d’Egitto Tav. LVII (Ausschnitt).
ἡ̣[μῶν δ]εσπότου → κ̣[αὶ δ]εσπότου und υ̣[ἱοῦ], → τ̣[οῦ], R.S. Bagnall, K.A. Worp, Chr.d’Ég. 56 (1981), S. 118.
Kein ,,shift of person", sondern ein wörtliches Zitat, nl. ,,they say, ,,a short time ago" ...", H. I. Bell, Cl. Rev. 10 (1960), S. 34.
,,desiring that those appointed her (intestate) successors by law after us should be her heirs if we should not welcome (accept) her estate", J. F. Gilliam, Cl. Ph. 54 (1959), S. 182.