Editionen in
HGV 35624

P. Oxy. 18

On the letter writer, Theon, and concerning the date: end of 4th / beginning of 5th century AD, L. Blumell, Archiv 53 (2008) 219-223.
Nd. J. O’Callaghan, Cart.Crist. Nr. 54; = CPL 271; Photo: Seider, Paläographie der lat. Pap. II 1 (1978), Nr. 59, Taf. 34; (Ausschnitt) E.A. Lowe, Codices Latini Antiquiores, Supplement (Oxford 1971), Nr. 1738.
l. ὀχλήσειν, J. O’Callaghan, Cart.Crist. Nr. 54.