P. Yadin 2

1, 20
Vgl. noch B.L. 10, S. 202 zu S.B. 8. 9843.
διὰ | τ[ὸ ὁρ]μὰν μὴ εὑρη|θ[ῆ]ναι Ἑβραεστί → διὰ | τ[ὸ ἡ]μᾶς μὴ εὑρη|κ[έ]ναι Ἑβραιστί, F. Mitthof, Archiv 54 (2008), S. 289 (wiedergabe von H.M. Cotton, S.C.I. 26 [2007], S. 253-256). [the brackets of the proposed restoration are mine] [we should do the whole article in SCI, with probably more corrections: our Leiden task for the next volume! I propose to leave this Ber. out for now, C]