The user can expect the information provided here to be complete for BL XII and BL XIII. Entries from earlier BL volumes are only extremely sporadic at present (November 2019).

B.G.U. 19 2816 Zu datieren: um 470-480 n.Chr., F. Mitthof, Archiv 52 (2006), S. 274. → BL XIII S. 44 Bibliography
4 [ ± 15 ]λε ̣ ̣ → [ἀπὸ τῆς Ἑρμουπό]λεω̣ς̣ (die Vermutung im Kommentar wird bestätigt), R. Ast, Z.P.E. 157 (2006), S. 163. → BL XIII S. 44 Bibliography
12 [- - -] ̣[- - -]ντων → [δελφάκιον ἄξιον ἀργυρίου τα]λ̣άντων, R. Ast, Z.P.E. 157 (2006), S. 163. → BL XIII S. 45 Bibliography