ἀνασωθ̣έ̣ν̣τ̣ο̣ς | ἐ̣ν̣ τ̣ῆ̣ι̣ Ὀ̣ά̣σει \φ̣[ρ]ουρίου/: understand as ἐν τῶι ἐν τῆι Ὀάσει φρουρίωι. Cf. also on the interpretation of κατελθόντος, P. Heid. 9, p. 49, footnote 11.
Weitere identifier und Links: TM 43079 = p.gen;3;128 = HGV 43079
ἀνασωθ̣έ̣ν̣τ̣ο̣ς | ἐ̣ν̣ τ̣ῆ̣ι̣ Ὀ̣ά̣σει \φ̣[ρ]ουρίου/: understand as ἐν τῶι ἐν τῆι Ὀάσει φρουρίωι. Cf. also on the interpretation of κατελθόντος, P. Heid. 9, p. 49, footnote 11.