bleeding edge
Editionen in
HGV 5801

S.B. 10

6, 30
Read Ἑριεὺ̣ν̣ ἧ̣ι̣ rather than Ἑρμιόνηι (l. 30). The same combination of letters is given in the former reading ερις ̣[- - -] which should now be read as Ἑριε̣ὺ̣[ς ---] (l. 6), D. Kaltsas, Tyche 25 (2010), p. 217-218.
καὶ ῞Ωρου statt καὶ τοῦ <῞Ωρου>, J. Bingen, Chr.d’Ég. 42 (1967), S. 228.