(ἔτει) α̣ [ → (ἔτει) ι̣[ ̣ , S.R. Llewelyn, New Docs 9 (2002), § 18, S. 45. (Both the ed.pr. and New Docs 9 (2002) §18 have (ἔτει) ι̣[ ̣ ! (ἔτει) α̣ [ must have resulted from the conversion to SGML (made for the short lived Perseus instance of DDbDP and still accessible in Diogenes) from the original Beta Code entry [<expan>e)/tei</expan> <num>1?</num>[<gap extent="1"> kai\ *petau=tos tou=] - this interprets correctly that we expect, a number between 11 and 19]. The SGML was then converted to XML and continued the mistake. (JMSC 06.12.2024)