namespace App\Entity;
use App\Repository\CorrectionRepository;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Gedmo\Loggable;
use Doctrine\ORM\Event\LifecycleEventArgs; // prePersist
use Doctrine\ORM\Event\OnFlushEventArgs; // onFlush
use Doctrine\ORM\Event\PreUpdateEventArgs; // preUpdate
use DateTime;
use Exception;
class Correction
const STATUS_UNCHECKED = 'unchecked';
const STATUS_REVIEWED = 'reviewed';
const STATUS_FINALISED = 'finalised';
const STATUS_VERIFIED = 'verified';
const STATUS_DEFAULT = 'finalised';
const ALLGEMEINES = 0;
const ALEX = 25000;
const NACH_ALEX = 25001;
const LOND = 580000;
const NACH_LOND = 582001;
const TAIT = 1250000;
const NACH_TAIT = 1250001;
const MODE_XML = 'xml';
const MODE_OOXML = 'ooxml';
const MODE_PLAIN = 'plain';
const MODE_REGISTER = 'register';
public static $STATUS = array('unchecked', 'reviewed', 'finalised', 'verified');
public static $ROMAN = array('I' => 1, 'II' => 2, 'III' => 3, 'IV' => 4, 'V' => 5, 'VI' => 6, 'VII' => 7, 'VIII' => 8, 'IX' => 9, 'X' => 10, 'XI' => 11, 'XII' => 12, 'XIII' => 13, 'XIV' => 14, 'XV' => 15, 'XVI' => 16, 'XVII' => 17, 'XVIII' => 18, 'XIX' => 19, 'XX' => 20, 'XXI' => 21, 'XXII' => 22, 'XXIII' => 23, 'XXIV' => 24, 'XXV' => 25, 'XXVI' => 26, 'XXVII' => 27, 'XXVIII' => 28, 'XXIX' => 29, 'XXX' => 30, 'XXXI' => 31, 'XXXII' => 32, 'XXXIII' => 33, 'XXXIV' => 34, 'XXXV' => 35, 'XXXVI' => 36, 'XXXVII' => 37, 'XXXIX' => 39, 'XXXVIII' => 38, 'XL' => 40, 'XLI' => 41, 'XXIX' => 42, 'XLIII' => 43, 'XLIV' => 44, 'XLV' => 45, 'XLVI' => 46, 'XLVII' => 47, 'XLVIII' => 48, 'XLIX' => 49, 'L' => 50, 'LI' => 51, 'LII' => 52, 'LIII' => 53, 'LIV' => 54, 'LV' => 55, 'LVI' => 56, 'LVII' => 57, 'LVIII' => 58, 'LIX' => 59, 'LX' => 60, 'LXI' => 61, 'LXII' => 62, 'LXIII' => 63, 'LXIV' => 64, 'LXV' => 65, 'LXVI' => 66, 'LXVII' => 67, 'LXVIII' => 68, 'LXIX' => 69, 'LXX' => 70, 'LXXI' => 71, 'LXXII' => 72, 'LXXIII' => 73, 'LXXIV' => 74, 'LXXV' => 75, 'LXXVI' => 76, 'LXXVII' => 77, 'LXXVIII' => 78, 'LXXIX' => 79, 'LXXX' => 80, 'LXXXI' => 81, 'LXXXII' => 82, 'LXXXIII' => 83, 'LXXXIV' => 84, 'LXXXV' => 85, 'LXXXVI' => 86, 'LXXXVII' => 87, 'LXXXVIII' => 88, 'LXXXIX' => 89, 'XC' => 90, 'XCI' => 91, 'XCII' => 92, 'XCIII' => 93, 'XCIV' => 94, 'XCV' => 95, 'XCVI' => 96, 'XCVII' => 97, 'XCVIII' => 98, 'XCIX' => 99, 'C' => 100);
public static $ALPHA = array('A' => 1, 'B' => 2, 'C' => 3, 'D' => 4, 'E' => 5, 'F' => 6, 'G' => 7, 'H' => 8);
public static $ENCODE = array(
'𝈪' => 'f09d88aa',
'𐅵' => 'f09085b5', // one half
'𐅷' => 'f09085b7', // two thirds
'𐅸' => 'f09085b8' // three quarters
public static $DECODE = array(
'f09d88aa' => '𝈪',
'f09085b5' => '𐅵',
'f09085b7' => '𐅷',
'f09085b8' => '𐅸'
public static function encode4Byte($data){
foreach($data as $key => $value){
$data[$key] = self::encode4ByteUnicode($value);
return $data;
} else {
return self::encode4ByteUnicode($data);
public static function decode4Byte($data){
foreach($data as $key => $value){
$data[$key] = self::decode4ByteUnicode($value);
return $data;
} else {
return self::decode4ByteUnicode($data);
public static function encode4ByteUnicode($string){
foreach(self::$ENCODE as $character => $code){
if(mb_strpos($string, $character) !== FALSE){
$string = mb_ereg_replace($character, $code, $string);
return $string;
public static function decode4ByteUnicode($string){
foreach(self::$ENCODE as $character => $code){
if(mb_strpos($string, $code) !== FALSE){
$string = mb_ereg_replace($code, $character, $string);
return $string;
public function encode(){
$this->description = self::encode4Byte($this->description);
public function decode(){
$this->description = self::decode4Byte($this->description);
public function __construct()
$this->tasks = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();
$this->registerEntries = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();
$this->indexEntries = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();
$this->status = self::STATUS_UNCHECKED;
$this->creator = 'system';
$this->sort = $this->sortSystem = '';
$this->created = new DateTime('now');
$this->text = '';
public function getPage(){ // CROMULENT: should be in database as sortPage
if(preg_match('/^([^()]*)\((S\. +)?([\dIVXLCDM]+)(-\d+)?\)(,? \([^)]+\))*([^()]*)$/', $this->text, $matches)){
return $matches[3];
return '';
public function getInventoryNumber(){ // CROMULENT?! see above
if(preg_match('/^Inv\. (\d+)([^\d].*)?$/', $this->text, $matches)){
return $matches[1];
return '';
public function getSortText(){ // CROMULENT: should be in database
if(preg_match('/^([^()]*)\((S\. +)?([\dIVXLCDM]+)(-\d+)?\)(,? \([^)]+\))*([^()]*)$/', $this->text, $matches)){
return trim($matches[1]) . trim($matches[6]);
return '';
public function getTitle(){
return $this->getEdition()->getSort() . ' = ' . $this->getEdition()->getTitle();
public function hasTask($category = null){
return count($this->getTasks($category));
public function hasOpenTask($category = null){
$count = 0;
foreach($this->getTasks($category) as $task){
return $count;
public function getTasks($category = null){
if($category === null){
return $this->tasks;
} else {
$tasks = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();
foreach($this->tasks as $task){
if($task->getCategory() === $category){
return $tasks;
public function getTaskString($category = null){
$result = '';
foreach($this->getTasks($category) as $task){
$result .= ($category ? '' : $task->getCategory() . ': ') . $task->getDescription() . "; ";
return rtrim($result, '; ');
public function setDdb($ddb)
throw new Exception('setDdb() invalid function');
public function setTm($tm)
throw new Exception('setTm() invalid function');
public function setHgv($hgv)
throw new Exception('setHgv() invalid function');
public function setStatus($status)
if(in_array($status, self::$STATUS)){
$this->status = $status;
} else {
$this->status = self::STATUS_DEFAULT;
public function setText($text = ''){
$this->text = $text;
public function setPosition($position){
$this->position = $position;
public function setEdition(\App\Entity\Edition $edition){
$this->edition = $edition;
public function setSortValues(){
// retrieve page, fragment, column and line from position string
$this->sortPage = $this->sortSide = $this->sortFragment = $this->sortColumn = $this->sortLine = null;
$sortText = $this->text;
if($this->getEdition()->getSort() === self::ALLGEMEINES){
$sortText = mb_substr($sortText, 0, 8);
while(mb_strlen($sortText) < 8){
$sortText .= '.';
//echo '<pre>';
//echo '</pre>';
if(preg_match('/^(\d+)([\-+ .,]*(\d+))*(( | Fr. )?\(?([*a-zA-Z])((-|\+| |, ?)[*a-zA-Z])*\)?)?( \((\d+)(-\d+)?\)(, \(\d+\))*)?( ([RV]°))?( \(S\. (\d+)\))?( konkave Innenseite)?$/', $sortText, $matches)){
// 1 2 3 45 6 78 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
//echo '<pre>';
//echo '</pre>';
$sortText = $matches[1];
if(count($matches) > 16){
$this->sortPage = $matches[16];
$this->sortSide = $matches[14];
$this->sortFragment = $matches[6];
} else if(count($matches) > 14){
$this->sortSide = $matches[14];
$this->sortFragment = $matches[6];
} else if(count($matches) > 10){
$this->sortColumn = $matches[10];
$this->sortFragment = $matches[6];
} else if(count($matches) > 6){
$this->sortFragment = $matches[6];
} else if(count($matches) > 3){
$this->sortPage = $matches[3];
if(preg_match('/^passim$/', $sortText, $matches)){
$sortText = 0;
if(preg_match('/^(\d+)(bis)$/', $sortText, $matches)){
$sortText = $matches[1];
$this->sortPage = $matches[2];
// for text ~= (S. 147) 426 ~= 390 (S. 332) ~= 1 (S. XVIII) ~= 9604 (11), (18), (19)
if(preg_match('/^([^()]*)\((S\. +)?([\dIVXLCDM]+)(-\d+)?\)(,? \([^)]+\))*([^()]*)$/', $sortText, $matches)){
// 1 2 3 4 5 6
echo '1 ' . '[' . trim($matches[1]) . '][' . trim($matches[2]) . ']{' . trim($matches[3]) . '}[' . trim($matches[4]) . '][' . trim($matches[5]) . '][' . trim($matches[6]) . ']';
$this->sortPage = $matches[3];
$sortText = trim($matches[1]) . trim($matches[6]);
if(preg_match('/^Inv\. (\d+)?$/', $sortText, $matches)){
$sortText = 1000000 + $matches[1];
if(preg_match('/([RV]°)( |,|-|\)|$)/', $this->position, $matches)){
$this->sortSide = $matches[1];
if(preg_match('/([ABCDEFGH])( |,|-|\)|$)/', $this->position, $matches)){
$this->sortFragment = $matches[1];
} else if(preg_match('/Fr\. (\d+)( |,|-|\)|$)/', $this->position, $matches)){
$this->sortFragment = $matches[1];
if(preg_match('/([IVXL]+)( |,|-|\)|$)/', $this->position, $matches)){
$this->sortColumn = $matches[1];
if(preg_match('/(\d+)( |,|-|\)|$)/', $this->position, $matches)){
$this->sortLine = $matches[1];
// calculate system sort
$this->sortSystem = $this->generateSytemSort($this->getEdition()->getSort(), $sortText, $this->sortPage, $this->sortSide, $this->sortFragment, $this->sortColumn, $this->sortLine);
// define final sort parameter
$this->sort = $this->sortUser !== null ? $this->sortUser : $this->sortSystem;
* generate code sytem sort parameter
* sort by edition > text > page > side > fragment > column > line
* SELECT e.sort, text, position, sortPage, sortSide, sortFragment, sortColumn, sortLine, sortSystem from correction c JOIN edition e ON c.edition_id = e.id ORDER BY sortSystem;
* Key e........p........t........s..f........c........l........
* @param $edition 0 (Allgemein) ... 1'300'000 (Tavolette Varie); exceptions for P.Lond P.Petr O.Tait
* @param $text
* @param $page
* @param $side R°, V° (two sides)
* @param $fragment, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H (up to 8 letter coded fragements) or number
* @param $column, i.e. I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, ...
* @param $line, i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ... ∞; e.g. p.mich/p.mich.4.1/p.mich.4.1.224.xml: <lb n='6368'/>
protected function generateSytemSort($edition, $text, $page, $side, $fragment, $column, $line){
if($column != null && array_key_exists($column, self::$ROMAN)){
$column = self::$ROMAN[$column];
if($page != null && array_key_exists($page, self::$ROMAN)){
$page = self::$ROMAN[$page];
//if(in_array($edition, array('580000', '581000', '582000', '1250000'))){ // P. Lond 1 - 3 and O. Tait 1, sort by page and then by text
if($edition === '1250000'){ // O. Tait 1, sort by page and then by text
return 'e' . $this->lpad($edition) .
'p' . $this->lpad($page) .
't' . $this->lpad($text) .
's' . $this->lpad($side, 2) .
'f' . $this->lpad($fragment) .
'c' . $this->lpad($column) .
'l' . $this->lpad($line);
return 'e' . $this->lpad($edition) .
't' . $this->lpad($text) .
'p' . $this->lpad($page) .
's' . $this->lpad($side, 2) .
'f' . $this->lpad($fragment) .
'c' . $this->lpad($column) .
'l' . $this->lpad($line);
protected function lpad($string, $length = 8, $pad = '0'){
return str_pad($string, $length, $pad, STR_PAD_LEFT);
public function getLinks(){
if($this->registerEntries and $this->registerEntries->first()){
return $this->registerEntries->first()->getLinks();
return array();
private $id;
private $source;
private $text;
private $position;
private $description;
private $status;
private $creator;
private $created;
private $sortPage;
private $sortSide;
private $sortFragment;
private $sortColumn;
private $sortLine;
private $sortSystem;
private $sortUser;
private $sort;
private $registerEntries;
private $tasks;
private $compilation;
private $edition;
public function getId()
return $this->id;
public function setSource($source)
$this->source = $source;
public function getSource()
return $this->source;
public function getText()
return $this->text;
public function getTm()
if($this->registerEntries and $this->registerEntries->first()){
return $this->registerEntries->first()->getTm();
return null;
public function getHgv()
if($this->registerEntries and $this->registerEntries->first()){
return $this->registerEntries->first()->getHgv();
return null;
public function getDdb()
$registerList = $this->getDistinctDdb(self::MODE_REGISTER);
return array_pop($registerList)->getDdb();
return null;
public function getDdbCollection()
if($registerList = $this->getDistinctDdb(self::MODE_REGISTER)){
return array_pop($registerList)->getDdbCollection();
return null;
public function getDdbVolume()
if($registerList = $this->getDistinctDdb(self::MODE_REGISTER)){
return array_pop($registerList)->getDdbVolume();
return null;
public function getDdbDocument()
if($registerList = $this->getDistinctDdb(self::MODE_REGISTER)){
return array_pop($registerList)->getDdbDocument();
return null;
public function getDclp()
if($registerList = $this->getDistinctDclp(self::MODE_REGISTER)){
return array_pop($registerList)->getDclp();
return null;
public function getDclpCollection()
if($registerList = $this->getDistinctDclp(self::MODE_REGISTER)){
return $registerList[0]->getDclpCollection();
return null;
public function getDclpVolume()
if($registerList = $this->getDistinctDclp(self::MODE_REGISTER)){
return $registerList[0]->getDclpVolume();
return null;
public function getDclpDocument()
if($registerList = $this->getDistinctDclp(self::MODE_REGISTER)){
return $registerList[0]->getDclpDocument();
return null;
public function getPosition()
return $this->position;
public function setDescription($description)
$this->description = $description;
public function getDescription($mode = null)
if($mode == self::MODE_XML){
return str_replace(array('<', '>', '&'), array('>', '<', '&'), $this->description);
} else if($mode == self::MODE_OOXML){
$ooxml = $this->description;
$ooxml = mb_ereg_replace('<', '#lt;',$ooxml);
$ooxml = mb_ereg_replace('>', '#gt;',$ooxml);
$ooxml = mb_ereg_replace('&', '#amp;',$ooxml);
$ooxml = mb_ereg_replace('#lt;', '<text:span><</text:span>',$ooxml);
$ooxml = mb_ereg_replace('#gt;', '<text:span>></text:span>',$ooxml);
$ooxml = mb_ereg_replace('#amp;', '<text:span>&</text:span>',$ooxml);
return $ooxml;
return $this->description;
public function getStatus()
return $this->status;
public function setCreator($creator)
$this->creator = $creator;
public function getCreator()
return $this->creator;
public function setCreated($created)
$this->created = $created;
public function getCreated()
return $this->created;
public function setSortPage($sortPage)
$this->sortPage = $sortPage;
public function getSortPage()
return $this->sortPage;
public function setSortSide($sortSide)
$this->sortSide = $sortSide;
public function getSortSide()
return $this->sortSide;
public function setSortFragment($sortFragment)
$this->sortFragment = $sortFragment;
public function getSortFragment()
return $this->sortFragment;
public function setSortColumn($sortColumn)
$this->sortColumn = $sortColumn;
public function getSortColumn()
return $this->sortColumn;
public function setSortLine($sortLine)
$this->sortLine = $sortLine;
public function getSortLine()
return $this->sortLine;
public function setSortSystem($sortSystem)
$this->sortSystem = $sortSystem;
public function getSortSystem()
return $this->sortSystem;
public function setSortUser($sortUser)
$this->sortUser = $sortUser;
public function getSortUser()
return $this->sortUser;
public function setSort($sort)
$this->sort = $sort;
public function getSort()
return $this->sort;
public function addRegisterEntry(\App\Entity\Register $registerEntries)
$this->registerEntries[] = $registerEntries;
public function getRegisterEntries()
return $this->registerEntries;
public function getDistinctTm($mode = self::MODE_PLAIN)
$distinctList = array();
foreach($this->registerEntries as $registerEntry){
$distinctList[$registerEntry->getTm()] = $mode == self::MODE_PLAIN ? $registerEntry->getTm() : $registerEntry;
return $distinctList;
public function getDistinctHgv($mode = self::MODE_PLAIN)
$distinctList = array();
foreach($this->registerEntries as $registerEntry){
if($registerEntry->getHgv($mode = self::MODE_PLAIN)){
$distinctList[$registerEntry->getHgv()] = $mode == self::MODE_PLAIN ? $registerEntry->getHgv() : $registerEntry;
return $distinctList;
public function getDistinctDdb($mode = self::MODE_PLAIN)
$distinctList = array();
foreach($this->registerEntries as $registerEntry){
$distinctList[$registerEntry->getDdb()] = $mode == self::MODE_PLAIN ? $registerEntry->getDdb() : $registerEntry;
return $distinctList;
public function getDistinctDclp($mode = self::MODE_PLAIN)
$distinctList = array();
foreach($this->registerEntries as $registerEntry){
$distinctList[$registerEntry->getDclp()] = $mode == self::MODE_PLAIN ? $registerEntry->getDclp() : $registerEntry;
return $distinctList;
public function addTask(\App\Entity\Task $tasks)
$this->tasks[] = $tasks;
public function setCompilation(\App\Entity\Compilation $compilation)
$this->compilation = $compilation;
public function getCompilation()
return $this->compilation;
public function getEdition()
return $this->edition;
private $indexEntries;
public function addIndexEntry(\App\Entity\IndexEntry $indexEntries)
$this->indexEntries[] = $indexEntries;
public function removeIndexEntry(\App\Entity\IndexEntry $indexEntry)
if (!$this->indexEntries->contains($indexEntry)) {
public function getIndexEntries()
return $this->indexEntries;
private $compilationPage;
public function setCompilationPage($compilationPage)
$this->compilationPage = $compilationPage;
public function getCompilationPage()
return $this->compilationPage;
private $compilationIndex;
public function setCompilationIndex($compilationIndex)
$this->compilationIndex = $compilationIndex;
public function getCompilationIndex()
return $this->compilationIndex;